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Mobility data - WA LGAs

How to read these charts: Use the search bar to select the LGAs you want to view. On the y-axis (vertical axis on the left), you'll see 0. That is the 'baseline'. What does that mean? It's the 'normal' amount of movement on that day of the week before the pandemic. Movement on Sundays is different from Wednesdays, so each day has its own normalised baseline. Google has calculated 'normal' for each day of the week, by finding each day's median during a five week period from 3 January to 6 February 2020. That means the baseline is summer holidays / wet season in Australia. Keep that in mind when comparing current data with the baseline. For more, read this Twitter thread. Data updated daily; most recent date will be ~5 days ago. Page credits: Liam Pearson, Juliette O'Brien. Visualisations thanks to the generous support of Flourish, facilitated by Hugh Kennedy.
NEW: Mobility data by LGA:   NSW  |  VIC  |  QLD  |  SA  |  WA  |  TAS  |  NT

Data are verified with federal, state and territory health departments. Charts or pages are timestamped with latest updates.


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